VA-LM58-TC-0-0.433X-WD208-39C, Telecentric M58-mount Lens, magnification 0.433X, sensorsize 39mm

VA-LM58-TC-0-0.433X-WD208-39C Lens telecentric
  • Telecentric M58-mount Lens
  • magnification 0.433X
  • sensorsize 39mm
Delivery time: Standard 3-6, Express 0-3 weeks
Qualidade Industrial
Machine Vision


Telecentric lens

The LM58-TELECENTRIC series for 39mm sensors are object side Telecentric lenses that are designed for accurate measurement applications. The telecentric lens is designed for high resolution industrial M58-mount cameras. The series has multiple magnifications and working distances to assure the right field of view can be met for each application.

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Part number VA-LM58-TC-0-0.433X-WD208-39C
Formato da imagem / círculo 39mm
Abertura da lente / iris Fixed iris
Lens aperture (min) F10.2
Mínima distância do objeto (MOD) - Max 208mm
Montagem M58
Dimensão 120x320.2mm
Distorção < 0.1%
Ampliação/magnificação 0.433
Campo de visão (FOV) 71.6x50.1mm
Profundidade de campo (DOF) ±4.2mm
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Coaxial light input option

Most telecentric lenses, with a magnification of 0.5x or higher, have the option for a coaxial light input. If the part number starts with VA-LCM-TC-1, the lens has a coaxial light input, while if it starts with VA-LCM-TC-0, the lens has no coaxial light input.

The coaxial light input is ideal for illuminating flat shiny surfaces, like metal and printed circuit boards. To use the coaxial light input, we recommend our LED spot VA-SLC-8MM-W-12V.

Part number VA-LM58-TC-0-0.433X-WD208-39C
Formato da imagem / círculo 39mm
Abertura da lente / iris Fixed iris
Lens aperture (min) F10.2
Mínima distância do objeto (MOD) - Max 208mm
Montagem M58
Dimensão 120x320.2mm
Distorção < 0.1%
Ampliação/magnificação 0.433
Campo de visão (FOV) 71.6x50.1mm
Profundidade de campo (DOF) ±4.2mm
Número antigo do produto LM58-TELECENTRIC-0.433X-WD208-39-NI

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