Zebra Aurora Vision Studio 5 Lite

Zebra Aurora Vision Studio 5 Lite Software
Zebra Aurora Vision Studio 5 Lite
  • Zebra Aurora Vision Studio 5 Lite
Delivery time: Standard 3-6, Express 0-3 weeks
Industrial Quality
Machine Vision


Zebra Aurora Vision Studio Lite

This is a free demo program of Zebra Aurora Vision Studio. You can load images from the hard drive and write your own machine vision inspection program using all the classical machine vision tools that are available in adaptive vision studio. When using live images, acquired from a camera, a watermark will be visible. Exporting code or controlling I/O is not possible with the lite version. This is a demo program so you can be convinced of the power of Zebra Aurora Vision Studio, by developing free of charge your own machine vision program on your own product images.

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Part number VA-SOFT-ZAS-5-Lite
Partnumber old SOFT-ZAS-5-Lite


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What can the professional version do?

There are a lot of different things the professional version can do. That's why there are two samples below.

Drag and drop image processing software

In the image processing software, all programming is done by choosing filters, drag and drop them and connecting them with each other. You can focus all your attention on computer vision.

HMI (Human Machine Interface) / GUI (Graphical User Interface) designer

You can easily create custom graphical user interfaces (also known as human machine interfaces) and thus build the entire machine vision application using a single software package.

Zebra Aurora Vision Studio/Library Deeplearning Add-ON

This Deep Learning add-on is used together with Zebra Aurora Vision Studio. It's a new breakthrough in machine vision applications. It is a set of ready-made tools which are trained with Good and Bad samples, and which then detect defects or features automatically. Internally it uses large neural network structures, designed and optimized by our research team for use in industrial inspection systems. For the user, however, they are provided as simple filters with very few parameters, and with easy-to-use graphical tools for convenient execution of the training process. See the examples below.


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VA imaging staat in het midden van creativiteit en praktische
toepassingen en levert beeldverwerkingsproducten die zijn ontworpen voor gebruik in innovatieve machines. Wij bieden u de machine vision producten waarmee u uw creativiteit op vernieuwende manieren kunt toepassen. Met onze camera, lens en verlichting vindt uw innovatie een concrete uitdrukking in de wereld van Vision
& Automation Imaging.