Industrial LED-spot, 12V / 3W, white

Industrial LED-spot Led spot
Industrial LED-spot
  • 12V / 3W
  • white
Lieferzeit: Standard 3-6 Wochen, Express 0-3 Wochen
Industrial Quality
Machine Vision


Machine vision lights are industrial LED lights for illuminating products in machine vision applications. Every machine vision application requires a specific LED light. We offer online a set of standard lights used for many illumination purposes. In our machine vision light brochure / pricelist a total overview of all machine vision lights / illumination can be found. If you need assistance with selecting the correct machine vision lighting / illumination, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Model: LED2-SPOT-12V-3W
Type: Spotlight
Color: White
Voltage (V): 12V
Power (W): 3W
Diameter * Length: 24*59mm Mehr Informationen


Teilenummer VA-SLC-8MM-W-12V
Artikelnummer alt LED2-SPOT-12V-3W-White


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